College T-Shirt Session: Kit

College T-shirt Session season

A year ago I received an email to set up a shoot for Kit’s senior session. At the time I had a deal going on that if you booked your senior session then, you could get a free college t-shirt session in the spring. So, Kit jumped on this and it totally paid off! This past spring we got together again and did a 30 minute mini session to show off her new school spirit. She chose Virginia Tech as her path for the next four years and it was so fun to celebrate with her!


Kit has been an amazing client. In her first session she completely made my job easy. Those pictures have been some of my favorite senior photos yet! Coming into this second shoot with her was so exciting. I hadn’t heard what college she had chosen. When I found out she was headed to Virginia Tech, I felt so proud. That is the fun of doing a regular session then following up with a college t-shirt session. We get to know each other and are able to celebrate with each other as these milestones come along! I have had a few pother seniors do this and I think they would also say this was a great idea!

Now I would like to show off these images! Check out how fun these sessions can be.

College T-shirt

College T-shirt

College T-shirt

College T-shirt

College T-shirt

College T-shirt

Congrats to all the high school seniors about to head into their freshman year of college or work! This is such an exciting time for you all and I wish you all the best of luck!

XOXO, Katie


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